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Chuck Ingwersen
Sep 131 min read
How to identify different kinds of cows
If I called this a cow-toon or a cow-mic, would it put you in a bad MOOOOOD?
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Chuck Ingwersen
Apr 121 min read
An eventful close encounter between alien and cows
This is a reminder: When you park your vehicle in an unfamiliar location and then go exploring, ALWAYS take your keys and lock up. This...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Sep 24, 20231 min read
Cow caught hoarding in the supermarket
Someone pointed out that I wasn’t making enough cow cartoons and comics. Yes, that someone was a cow, but point taken.
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Chuck Ingwersen
May 29, 20231 min read
A cow wanders into a backyard barbecue
Give the cow another beer or two, and then repeat that question.
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Chuck Ingwersen
May 12, 20231 min read
Doctor seems to be unfamiliar with the workings of a cow
Later, the doctor told the cow she'd have to stay in the hospital for the rest of the week, or until the staff ran out of cookies.
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Chuck Ingwersen
Sep 12, 20221 min read
Cow is not happy with the new arrangement
I’m calling “Disgusted Cow.” Cows can’t stand being used as on-demand breakfast milk dispensers. So stop doing that.
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Chuck Ingwersen
Apr 25, 20221 min read
Cow and Pig have a friendship that sizzles
Cow and Pig each have a deliciously edgy sense of humor when it comes to their friendship. Even more surprisingly, they each have a...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Feb 23, 20221 min read
Alien is a pro at multiple abductions
That is some impressive abducting, but I think that alien is gonna need a bigger spaceship. In any case, he's got a lot of probing to do!
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Chuck Ingwersen
Nov 5, 20211 min read
Shark meets manatee and sea cow
I'm sorry if this comic makes you sad. It makes me sad too. It absolutely makes the actual sea cow sad. The shark and the manatee remain...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Oct 22, 20211 min read
Kitchen cow is tired of being overused
Being a kitchen counter cow is a demanding and thankless job. Don't blame Bessie for wanting to return to the more easygoing lifestyle of...
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